It hardly needs to be stated: Los Angeles is the epicenter of homelessness. It is a crisis that touches every corner of our city. The sheer volume of people – tens of thousands now – living on our streets and alleyways and sidewalks has peeled back the curtain on decades of policies that have not met our needs.
Angelenos are watching closely as the numbers continue to grow. Homelessness has become a humanitarian crisis, and history will judge us based on how we respond to this problem.
Presently, the city lacks an overarching goal – a “North Star.” Without a target and a coordinated strategy by which to implement policy, our crisis will continue to spiral out of control.
It is our collective responsibility to act with a sense of unrelenting urgency. We must provide a coherent vision and do everything in our power to offer our unsheltered neighbors a way home.

Studies estimate that the City of Los Angeles is in need of an additional 25,000 units by 2025 to end the ongoing homelessness crisis.
That makes our goal clear: “25 X 25." In short, we are committed to housing every one of our currently unsheltered neighbors by 2025.
Join us. Together, we can build a better Los Angeles - and we can begin today.

200 N. Spring Street, Suite 425
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 473-7014